Hope you’ve been enjoying the exciting time that is your….SUMMER HOLIDAY!!

Studying full-time can take a lot out of you, so it’s an amazing feeling to finally have time to yourself, to set your own schedule, and just slow down. No doubt, after being more than two weeks in, you’ve already been enjoying a few Netflix series, caught up with friends and decided that sleeping past midday is what it’s all about!

On the flip side, I’d like you to bear with me a minute whilst we think about what September will feel like if we spend the entire summer in “relaxation” mode. The dreaded feeling of not wanting to return because you haven’t rested enough! Then taking about a week to get used to waking up early and finally managing to sleep at a decent time, wondering why holding a pen is a challenge, concentrating is hard and you feel slightly less intelligent than you did before you broke up for summer! It is a lot and you are not the only one! 

Think about a pair of old trainers left under your bed for months. What would you expect them to look like if you pulled them out? Dusty, out of shape and neglected right? Well that’s how our brains can get when we don’t keep them active enough! So I propose that there must be a balance that will let you re-charge and enjoy your fun in the sun, but also time to engage in a few productive activities that will help to make your September much easier. Let’s consider how we can make that transition back into school life a little smoother with these 5 easy tips for staying productive this summer.


Exercise has been proven to improve brain function and memory. It helps stimulate growth of brain cells and new connections between cells.

Walking is free and easy. Set yourself and your crew the challenge of trying to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. You’d be surprised how many calories you’ll burn!

Jump on YouTube for some Yoga routines, they are a great way to help you get in shape. The breathing and relaxation techniques can really help you long term strategies to manage your stress and anxiety. Or if you have the cash, swimming is a great way to cool off from the heat or check out student membership rates at the gym.


You’ve heard the saying, prepare to plan or prepare to fail? There is some truth in it, set clear expectations about what you want for yourself and then work towards them. 

Do some light revision for your subjects you are continuing with. You don’t want the knowledge to decay or to become completely dormant. Retrieve information often to ensure you’ve learnt it! Quizzing is great for this!

Pre-plan- Start planning for your return to school, the earlier the better. Start making a weekly planner, set goals for yourself this academic year, and think about the routine you want for yourself. Get to bed at a sensible time at least a few days before the term starts!


A summer job is a great way to gain work experience. You could gain financially but more importantly you’ll get a clearer idea about what you’d like to do in the future.

Any experience whether it’s in retail, a restaurant or charity work is an amazing opportunity to gain new skills and meet new people. You’ll start networking with different people and your confidence will soar.

Have you had a chance to think about what you want to do as a career? It might be worth finding a job internship or volunteering scheme related to it. If that doesn’t work out, read as much as possible around your interest.


Trying something new keeps you interested and helps you to avoid boredom.

Find a new hobby or learn a new skill whether it is gaming, vlogging, painting, baking, coding and more. There are so many classes you could join or even log onto for free online.

Read around things that interest you, go to free museums and exhibits. Up your cultural knowledge so you can talk about a number of different things with different people.


It’s easy to go into hibernation mode confined to your bedroom. Stay social as it will help with your mood and sustaining your support network.

Spend time with your friends, doing the adventurous things you’ve always talked about or simply chilling with a good film. Don’t neglect your family, be helpful in the house, make the effort to see elderly relatives, and enjoy time with your siblings.

Focus on quality relationships and spending time with the people that make you feel good about yourself and those that encourage you to make good decisions. 

Remember you should use the summer as a way to recharge and take a break but you should also find ways to boost your overall well-being and productivity. The word of the day is balance!

What will you commit to?

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